Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Starting over....again

ÎI originally attempted this blog a few years ago. A way to journal my cooking, crafts and motherhood. Pretty much like every other blog out there. However, as it is in life , life got in the way and my blog was pushed aside. I am now reenergizing my effort to commit to blogging and my weight loss journey. My hope is that this blog will act as a tool to keep me accountable. 

First of all I guess I should start with full disclosure. I have always battled my weight, but I was always able drop the weight with diet and exercise. I could feel my clothes get snug and immediately cut out sugar and carbs and manage to drop the excess weight. In 2003 I joined Weight Watchers and over a course of a year I was able to drop 40lbs. I had my Son in 2007 and was able to get back to my pre pregnancy weight with out difficultly. I was also diagnosed with Hypothroidism and prescribed Armour. For several years after I was able to maintain my weight without difficulty. Fast forward to 2012..... I started gaining weight rapidly! I was constantly tired and irritable, anxious. I began experiencing a pulsation and pain in my lower left side. When I would bend over I could physically feel "something" poking me. After countless Drs visits, several emotional breakdowns and 70 extras lbs, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. I under went a Endoscopy and DNC to remove the excess tissue. After surgery, my Dr informed me that I had stage 4 endometriosis, and that it was so sever he had to remove it from my bladder and bowels. He was optimistic that my symptoms would reside, however he did state that I would most likely have to return within two years for additional surgeries. After my surgery, I no longer experience the daily weight gain or pain and discomfort, BUT the weight did not want to come off....and that is where I am at now. Within the last 9 months I have tried diet,exercise and drugs. Nothing is working. Feeling like I am trapped in my own body, uncomfortable in my skin and desperate to regain my excitement for life, I have decided to persue Weight Loss Sugery. I have researched my options and have made an appointment with my PCP to start the process. I know this is just the beginning, and I know there will be challenges and a lot of hard work ahead, but anything worth having is worth fighting for right?!

So I welcome you to follow along with me on this new journey.....it's gonna get interesting!