Friday, February 17, 2012

The Ultimate Sacrafice

I usually post about recipes, crafts and raising my boy. However, this post is not so light hearted. Last night our community lost a courageous officer, leaving a Wife and two young children behind. Another is currently in serious condition. They were shot while serving a warrant to a suspected Meth Lab. This hits close to home for me. My dear Hubby is a Sheriff Deputy as well. As a Law Enforcement Officers Wife, you always have that "what if" in the back of your mind. My heart breaks for the Wife that is now faced to raise her kids without their Father. We hear so much about the Military Heroes fighting a war over seas, that we sometimes forget about the heroes here at home, fighting a war in our own backyard. Please take time to tell your loved ones that you love them. Hug them a bit tighter and a little longer. We take for granted that life as we know it can change in a blink of an eye.


  1. makes me miss home even more! hate that our community is suffering and all i can do i read about it from far away! miss and love you! sending out love and prayers to the families..

    1. Thanks Shannon. We miss you more! Just give your Monster Man a big hug and hold him a little tighter. Just such a waste that Detective White will not be able to see his daughters grow up :(

      Love to you all. xoxo
